Welcome to wilddeej's 100 Best American T-shirts!

Welcome, t-shirt aficionados, fans, and connoisseurs! Here I've attempted to gather the cream of the crop, the best of the best, the top 100 American T-shirts available. I am of course limited by my own tastes - which I've found are pretty agreeable to most - and the limits of what I've seen. I'm constantly on the look-out for more excellent selections of t-shirts, and welcome any and all suggestions of same. In fact, I'll completely honor any affiliate link provided, as long as the shirt is selected, of course! My blog and the FAQ will provide much more information. I'm quite sure you'll find some entries of interest here - enjoy!

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Fake It ! shirt
Fake It ! by Ricaso_Ireland

Yes, actually, I am this ripped, and have six-pack abs just like this - you just can't tell by looking at my actual body, which has more of a resemblance to "keg abs".
Case Study #48: Bunny Family Anomalies
Case Study #48: Bunny Family Anomalies by Andy Pitts @ Threadless

And you thought your family was screwed up!
iRock blue guitar t-shirt shirt
iRock blue guitar t-shirt by leia1191

In fact, I am a musician. I play the stereo, and I play it really loud.
I Do All My Own Stunts shirt
I Do All My Own Stunts by Tees.com: t-shirts, retro vintage t-shirts and funny t-shirts

Even cooler than the one worn by Adam Savage (MythBusters)
Inigo Montoya T-shirt
Inigo Montoya T-shirt by Tom Burns (Lucky Threadz)

A must-have for any Princess Bride fan... (WHAT? You don't know about The Princess Bride? Get thee to a video store, forthwith!)
The Communist Party
The Communist Party by Tom Burns @ Threadless

Say what you will about their political beliefs, but those guys know how to party!
Debt People T-Shirt shirt
Debt People T-Shirt by wilddeej

...and I'm looking at one right now...
Comedians shirt
Comedians by willlapuerta

Sometimes, a good sense of humor is just not appreciated enough!

Wear this one when you call the Psychic Hotline and say nothing, waiting for them to know who you are...
T-Qualizer Shirt
T-Qualizer Shirt by ThinkGeek

OK, how cool is a t-shirt that runs on batteries? Right, too cool!
That's How I Roll T-Shirt shirt
That's How I Roll T-Shirt by ruderetro

Thanx for the submission, Rude Retro!
Wi-Fi Detector Shirt
Wi-Fi Detector Shirt by ThinkGeek

Another battery-powered t-shirt, and this one seeks out wi-fi signals! Stylish, and able to keep you digitally connected!
Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero by Nerdy Shirts

Not many people know this, but Jimi actually got his start playing Guitar Hero...
Protect Freedom... by taking it away
Protect Freedom... by taking it away by Contempl8 T-Shirts

Wouldn't this be fun to wear to a political rally of any kind?
Rock Paper Metal T-Shirt
Rock Paper Metal T-Shirt by Crack Smoking Shirts

Rock, paper, scissors? Nuh-uh - metal rules!
Night Of The Nutjob
Night Of The Nutjob by David Creighton-Pester (Lucky Threadz)

The poor, unsuspecting nut. Sometimes, I know how he feels...
Devil Music
Devil Music by ole ivar rudi (Lucky Threadz)

Yeah, there's nothing like that old time devil music! Devout Christians beware!
French Kiss
French Kiss by Tom Burns (Lucky Threadz)

As a fan of Kiss, I should be offended by the French Connection, I suppose - but I'm not.
Guitar Hero T-shirt
Guitar Hero T-shirt by ThreadPit.com

I'm never inviting Jimi over to play Guitar Hero at my house again. The place still smells like burnt plastic.

"Weird In Here" T-Shirt by wilddeej

Ah jeez, they'll let anybody contribute to this, won't they?
I know Kung fu! shirt
I know Kung fu! by popaddict

Thanx again, Rude Retro!
averteyes shirt
averteyes by Vaughnfu

Try not to look directly at the wearer. You have been warned.
CMYK Skull shirt
CMYK Skull shirt by Spin Sugar

Skullz, in a color separation. Looks cool, no?
Silence Is Golden
Silence Is Golden by Shop or Create What's on Your Mind at CafePress

Yes! Must remember to take duct tape to the office!
Guitar Hero T-Shirt
Guitar Hero by J!NX Clothing

Look! Up in the air! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's... oh, I guess it's a guitar. Huh.
I Meet Or Exceed Expectations
I Meet Or Exceed Expectations by T-shirt Hell

This one should come in handy especially around review time...
Ninja-neer T-shirt
Ninja-neer T-shirt by wilddeej

Where Ninja meets Engineer, there lurks the Ninja-neer!
Spoilt by Olliver Moss @ Threadless

So that's what that movie was all about...
Sacrifice by David Habben @ Threadless

Truly, this is what it is like to suffer for your music.

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I'm still far short of 100 T-shirts. I could use your help!

T-shirts from Zazzle

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